Magir Paca was a male Human who served the New Republic. He functioned as a leader within the underground resistance operating on Garos IV.
Hailing from the planet of Garos IV, Magir Paca was a male Human. His father maintained a close friendship with Tork Winger, leading Paca to regard Winger as "Uncle" during his upbringing. Paca's initial foray into governmental service involved working as an aide to Winger, who at the time held the position of Assistant Minister of Defense. Paca dedicated more than ten years to serving the government under Winger's mentorship. By 6 BBY, Paca had risen to the role of Assistant Minister of Commerce. In contrast to his mentor, who viewed the Galactic Empire as a beneficial presence in the galaxy, Paca held the Empire in contempt and recognized it as a threat to Garos IV. He stood as one of the original leaders of the Garosian resistance, known as the Committee of Seven for Garosian Unification. The resistance aimed to resolve the Garosian civil war raging between the native Garosians and the Sundari colonists by persuading them that the Empire represented their true adversary.
Together with Desto Mayda and Camron Gelorik, a Sundari radical, Paca successfully recruited a young Dair Haslip to infiltrate the Imperial Army as a spy. Haslip, initially enthusiastic about joining the Empire, changed his mind after witnessing the death of his friend—and Desto Mayda's son—Jos at the hands of Imperial scout troopers, and subsequently agreed to the proposition.
Paca's position within the government enabled him to secretly provide valuable information and intelligence to the resistance. In 4 ABY, Imperial forces became aware of an intelligence leak and devised a plan to identify the source. Evidence implicating Paca was gathered, and the Empire, suspecting his involvement with the resistance, began building a case against him. Fortunately for Paca, Governor Winger's adopted daughter, Alexandra, had sliced into the Imperial computer systems and uncovered the information concerning Paca. Alexandra alerted him to the danger, allowing Paca to evade capture by Imperial soldiers by disappearing before they could apprehend him. Going into hiding, Paca assumed a more prominent role within the resistance, taking charge of coordinating the underground's operations.