The Maladi sector was situated in the Expansion Region, specifically within the Slice area. As of the year 0 ABY, it shared a border with the Harron sector towards the Rimward direction and the Kossa sector in the spinward direction. Furthermore, this sector had a unique four-way boundary with the Circarpous, Parcelus, and Venzeiia sectors along its southern boundary, and it was a part of the Expansion Region's Coreward edge adjacent to the Inner Rim.
The eponymous star system of Maladi was found within the Maladi sector, which also lent its name to the Maladians, a cult of assassins. The Nanth'ri Route hyperlane traversed the southern portions of the sector.
The Maladi sector saw its initial establishment within the Online Companion on that supplemented the 2009 reference work titled The Essential Atlas. This sector was visually represented on a map created by Modi and featured in the 2012 piece "Essential Atlas Extra: Expansion Region."