
Malis, operating under the authority of the Imperial regime, was a bounty hunter whose perception of what was right and wrong was severely warped.


During a conversation with Rengor Vanth from Sektor 242 NewsLine, Malis stated that his targets were members of the Alliance, whom he considered to be lawbreakers. He specifically accused Luke Skywalker of being a brutal killer for his role in obliterating the Death Star and all who were aboard. Malis defended the destruction of Alderaan, arguing that it was a legitimate consequence given that it served as the homeworld for those who opposed the Empire.

Despite frequently returning with dead bounties instead of live ones, Malis insisted that he was merely a hunter, not a killer. It is widely thought that his views were heavily influenced by his status as the sole survivor of an raid launched by the Alliance on Keskin, an event that resulted in the complete annihilation of his unit.

