Marinda Gan was a Twi'lek bounty hunter of the female persuasion, and she held membership within the Spice Runners of Kijimi. Following the death of their pilot, Gan, along with a collection of other smugglers from the Spice Runners, found themselves marooned upon the moon of Yavin 4. Known for her lack of patience, Marinda Gan was a seasoned and formidable warrior. During her tenure with the Spice Runners, she utilized a Twi'lek lyaer'tsa, a weapon traditionally used by her people.
The first appearance of Marinda Gan occurred in the young-adult canon novel titled Poe Dameron: Free Fall, which was penned by Alex Segura and released by Disney–Lucasfilm Press on August 4, 2020. Later, the Twi'lek character was portrayed in the comic book one-shot Return of the Jedi – The Rebellion 1, which was authored by Segura, with illustrations provided by Matt Horak, Brent Peeples, and Rafael Pimentel, and it was published by Marvel Comics on July 19, 2023.
The novel Poe Dameron: Free Fall initially depicted Gan with red skin, referencing her "red lekku appendages;" however, the one-shot Return of the Jedi – The Rebellion 1 later altered her appearance, presenting her with blue skin instead. This modification was further reinforced by Gan's subsequent visual representations, such as those in the second and third issue of the 2024 comic book mini-series titled Star Wars: Battle of Jakku — Insurgency Rising.