The Mark X Executioner battle automaton represented a formidable gladiator droid constructed by Arakyd Industries. This towering construct navigated via a dual continuous track system, effectively a two-tread propulsion method, and was equipped with a diverse arsenal.

The Mark X was considered among the elite gladiator droids. Possessing formidable armor and an extensive range of offensive capabilities, it could subdue almost any adversary. Among its multiple weaponized appendages were a neuron whip, vibro-ax, blaster rifle, missile launcher, flame projector, and a rudimentary spiked club. It was sought after by galactic clients, including jaded despots and their constituents. However, these droids were not indestructible; precisely aimed energy blasts or laser scalpels could destroy them if properly utilized, as demonstrated by a buzz droid during one gladiatorial contest.
In the year 23 BBY, Rigorra the Hutt unleashed three Mark-X units, equipped with missile launchers and flamethrowers, against bounty hunter Jango Fett during the warlord's perilous underground "Impromptu Semiannual Balmorra Death Run" competition. Other captured bounty hunters forced to participate in this event included Aurra Sing, Bossk, and Skorr. Fett, having prior knowledge of the gladiator droid's weak point – a small section on its underside between the treads, where the droid's external cooling system was located – managed to disable all three Mark-Xs with carefully placed energy bolts. The areas between the treads of the Executioner droids detonated, causing them to collapse.
An Imperial soldier named Rom Mohc emerged victorious in a one-on-one battle against a Mark X Executioner, subsequently keeping its remains as a trophy.
Viceprex Mirkovig Hirken of Stars' End possessed a Mark-X, frequently using it in combat against other droids within his prison facility.
During his travels with Han Solo, the droid Bollux faced a Mark-X as an opponent. Bollux, with assistance from the droid Blue Max, triumphed over the Mark-X through superior strategy.