"Marooned" initially appeared as a comic in Star Wars Tales 22, and was later compiled into Star Wars Tales Volume 6 as well as Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The New Republic Vol. 1. The script, illustrations, and colors were all the work of Lucas Marangon, while Michael Heisler handled the lettering.

The story unfolds on Endor, taking place one year and one month following the pivotal battle. We find a Rebel soldier and a scout trooper, both stranded by their respective factions and uncertain about the battle's outcome, encountering each other. Their initial attempts to capture one another give way to a truce and conversation, during which the Imperial criticizes the Rebel's combat tactics during the conflict.
Their path leads them to a group of Ewoks, who imprison the Imperial but allow the Rebel to remain free. The Rebel intervenes, persuading the Ewoks to release the trooper, explaining that unlike the stormtroopers, his uniform and training were not designed with the sole purpose to intimidate, something that does not fit into a peaceful society.

The pair then journey to the location of the second Death Star's shield generator, discovering its destruction and confirming the Rebel victory. They detect a distress signal and trace it to its origin—a wrecked Imperial Star Destroyer. The Rebel soldier utilizes the ship's navigation beacon to signal a passing freighter, arranging for their departure from the planet.
However, upon the freighter's arrival, the Imperial agrees with the Rebel that he doesn't belong in the peaceful society that the Rebellion will build now that the Galactic Empire has been defeated, and chooses to remain behind. The final scene, presumably set in the future, depicts him observing the sunset from atop a deserted AT-ST, his armor cast aside and his hair allowed to grow freely.