Masul'ivis Asteroid Belt

BrightJewelAsteroidDebris Spacecraft wreckage is present amongst the asteroids. The Masul'ivis Asteroid Belt was located in proximity to the planet called Ord Mantell, found within the Bright Jewel system. It was known that pieces of a destroyed spaceship were scattered throughout the asteroids there. During the time of the Galactic Civil War, the Dynath Miners conducted mining operations within the asteroid belt. Specifically, during the Battle of Tansarii Point Station, Black Sun pirates set their sights on attacking Dynathian transports that were in the Masul'ivis Asteroid Belt. Ultimately, Car'das starfighters, under the command of Laetin A'shera, successfully fought off the Black Sun forces and provided safe passage for the Dynathian ships back to the H-5 70 Mining Facility.

Production Notes

The Masul'ivis Asteroid Belt made an appearance in the 2003 Star Wars Galaxies video game, which was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game. This game was created by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts, before it was shut down on December 15, 2011.

