Sometime between the years of 1 BBY and 4 ABY, the Matacorn campaign took place as part of the larger Galactic Civil War. In this campaign, the Rebel Alliance clashed with the Galactic Empire's military. The campaign's name came from Matacorn, a rather unremarkable world for trade located within the Lambda sector of the Mid Rim. During one engagement within this campaign, Hesoc, an Alliance pilot flying an X-wing starfighter, successfully destroyed a total of eighteen TIE/LN starfighters and four TIE/sa bombers belonging to the Empire. However, during a Tallon Roll maneuver, Hesoc was shot down by an Imperial interceptor starfighter. Despite managing to bring his damaged X-wing starfighter back, Hesoc sustained a severe injury to his right leg, necessitating the installation of a cybernetic replacement. While such an injury would typically end a pilot's career, Hesoc was able to convince his command to allow him to return to combat duty.
The short story "Irrefutable Logic," which appeared in Heroes & Rogues, introduced the Matacorn campaign. Heroes & Rogues was a 1995 sourcebook for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, and it was written by Paul Sudlow and Rick Stuart.