Mavra Zane was a Jedi Master of the Human species (a female, specifically) who dedicated her life to the service of the Jedi Order during the final years of the Galactic Republic. She also participated in the events of the Separatist Crisis. As a Jedi, Zane was known for using a lightsaber that projected a yellow-bladed beam.
Mavra Zane, a Human who was Force-sensitive, underwent training by the Jedi Order to learn the ways of the Force. She constructed a lightsaber with a yellow blade and became proficient in the Jedi arts under the guidance of Grand Master Yoda. Eventually, Zane attained the rank of Jedi Master and became an instructor at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. As the Galactic Republic's Senate faced a growing threat of separatism, and the Jedi High Council became aware of the Sith's resurgence on Naboo, they decided to expand their training program throughout the galaxy. The Council selected several Jedi Masters and assigned them to lead groups of Padawans to establish new academies. Master Zane was chosen to lead a group of students to the heavily forested world of Kashyyyk, where she would teach them the ways of the Force.
Zane and her students journeyed to Kashyyyk aboard a Consular-class cruiser, where they met with Masters Yoda, Mace Windu, and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Yoda and Zane jointly supervised the training of the younglings. Shortly after their arrival, the chapter house and a nearby village were attacked by Trandoshan slavers and forces from the Commerce Guild. During the initial attack, the Jedi and the Wookiees worked together to repel the attackers and create an opportunity for the Jedi to reorganize. Master Yoda took advantage of a pause in the fighting to return to Coruscant, hoping to understand the political reasons behind the attacks.
Soon after Yoda's departure, Zane and her students were compelled to fight once more. Aided by Chewbacca, a Wookiee, a small group managed to escape the assault, but Zane and many other students were captured. After a brief encounter with the Sun Guard, the students who had escaped boarded the Star Runner and traveled into space to pursue the slavers who were holding Zane and the other Jedi captive. Receiving a hologram transmission from Masters Yoda and Windu, the Jedi learned that Zane and the other captives had been taken to a prison facility orbiting the planet Felucia.

On board a Providence-class capital ship, Zane managed to free herself while her Padawans, who had escaped earlier, fought their way through the ship's hangar bay to reach the other imprisoned students. The Jedi soon discovered that the Commerce Guild was gathering a large army to attack one of the Core Worlds. Realizing that they needed to get this information to the High Council, Zane joined the Padawans and fought off an attack by Sun Guards and IG-100 MagnaGuards. After destroying the ship's reactor core, Zane and her students boarded the Star Runner and escaped. However, the ship sustained critical damage and crash-landed on the planet below.
Avoiding enemy forces, Zane led her students to the resistance's stronghold on the planet. The native Felucians, led by a Human named Mak Pra, were planning to attack the enemy's base. Agreeing to assist the resistance, Master Zane and her students infiltrated Presidente Shu Mai's stronghold. They discovered that Mai intended to weaponize the dangerous chemical Trihexalon to attack Coruscant. Zane and her students attempted to escape with this information but were captured by the Gossam. Presidente Mai ordered the Jedi to be executed and had them taken to the mouth of a large sarlacc. Before the Jedi could be killed, Master Yoda arrived with Republic reinforcements and freed them.

During the battle, the Jedi fought two Zabrak Dark Acolytes, one of whom was named Ror, and defeated them, but Mai managed to escape. Zane pursued the Gossam into space, determined to prevent her from reaching Coruscant. After a brief battle over Felucia, the Commerce Guild's fleet jumped to the capital, and the Jedi and the Republic were forced to follow. As Red Leader, Zane led her squad in destroying the Commerce Guild's fleet, ending the threat to Coruscant. Upon returning to the Jedi Temple, Master Zane, with the High Council's approval, promoted her students to the rank of Jedi Knight.
The voice of Mavra Zane was provided by the accomplished voice actress Jennifer Hale, while Michelle Lee, a motion-capture actress and martial artist, performed the character's physical movements.