MCR-99 reconnaissance droids functioned as probe droids, deployed by The Shroud, to perform intelligence gathering on both the Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire. These repulsorlift enabled droids were covertly placed in far-flung areas across many planets, where they stayed dormant for extended durations.
Following the revelation of the Shroud's actions during the Galactic War, spacers affiliated with both the Empire and the Republic discovered the MCR-99 droids. This was accomplished through the use of EV2 discreet reconnaissance macrobinoculars.
The MCR-99 droids represent concealed items incorporated into the Star Wars: The Old Republic game environment with the release of the Rise of the Hutt Cartel expansion. These droids are present on each planet associated with the game's narrative and can be detected via the macrobinoculars feature. While the droids lack an interactive gameplay purpose, they contribute to the game's achievement framework.