
MD-0C6, more frequently called Doc, was a heavily modified MD-series medical droid from Industrial Automaton. He served as the primary physician for Bartyn's Landing, a town situated on the coast of Lamaredd. Initially, he belonged to an employee of the Outer Rim Oreworks Company, but MD-0C6 eventually gained his independence as a droid. Having gone without a memory wipe for over five centuries, MD-0C6 developed unique personality traits. As the settlement's only doctor, he earned considerable respect within the community, especially for his unwavering commitment to prioritizing the health of his patients above all else. Sometime during his service, MD-0C6 acquired a small, hovering medical assistant known as F-RTZ-2, or "Fritz."

At a later time, MD-0C6 was responsible for saving the life of Mix Liddell, a young Mon Calamari policeman, following Liddell's encounter with the criminal Byrch "The Padawan" Dyshkava. This event led to a friendship between the gruff droid and Liddell, who was then the Security Chief. They frequently went on sailing excursions together. Forty years afterward, a few years prior to the Battle of Naboo, Liddell brought a gravely injured Dyshkava to MD-0C6, seeking his help in saving the outlaw's life.


MD-0C6 was a medical droid of the MD-series of medical specialists, produced by Industrial Automaton. The droid stated that he was once owned by an employee of Outer Rim Oreworks (ORO). His owner was part of the exploratory branch of Outer Rim Oreworks and a valued member of a team under the leadership of Hugo Bartyn, an ambitious and entrepreneurial ORO scout. During an expedition where MD-0C6 served as the primary medical droid, the team determined that the planet Lamaredd held significant potential for ORO investment. They successfully persuaded the company to purchase it for mining operations. Bartyn, however, had ambitions to establish his own coastal settlement and profit from fishing. More than five centuries later, a few years before the Battle of Naboo in 32 BBY, MD-0C6 asserted that he was the one who coined the name "Bartyn's Landing" for the town, a claim that was met with skepticism.

Bartyn's Landing was MD-0C6's home

MD-0C6 became the designated medical droid for the initial settlers and miners of the town. He eventually achieved independent status, yet he continued his practice as a doctor, utilizing his bacta tank. The community began calling him "Doc," and he gained the respect of the local population. During this time, he upgraded his own robotic form with available components and acquired a medical assistant in the form of a small hovering droid, designated F-RTZ-2 and nicknamed "Fritz."

Later, MD-0C6 provided medical care to Mix Liddell, a young Mon Calamari junior constable—or "Second"—who was the sole survivor of a raid against the Dark Jedi and outlaw leader Byrch "The Padawan" Dyshkava. After recovering in a bacta tank, Liddell returned to his duties and was promoted to Security Chief, leading to Dyshkava's capture. Although Dyshkava managed to escape, the threat he presented was neutralized. Liddell became a popular sheriff within the community and a close friend of MD-0C6, and the two often enjoyed sailing trips together. The droid considered Liddell the finest constable the Landing had ever seen—a period of history MD-0C6 had personally witnessed.

Forty years later, a few years before the Battle of Naboo, a fungal epidemic struck the isolated community of Little Mon Cal on the opposite side of the planet. MD-0C6, along with several security officers, traveled by boat to deliver essential medical supplies. They encountered pirates who attempted to seize the valuable cargo for ransom.

Later that year, Dyshkava reappeared in Bartyn's Landing and sustained severe injuries in a duel. Liddell apprehended Dyshkava and placed him in a cell, but he also summoned MD-0C6 to provide medical attention. MD-0C6 and F-RTZ-2 did their utmost, but the MD admitted that it might be too late to save Dyshkava. Although Dyshkava regained consciousness and was interrogated by Liddell, MD-0C6 insisted that his patient needed rest. As a result of Dyshkava's return, Liddell recruited new Seconds, and MD-0C6 supplied them with the limited number of medpacs he could spare.


Having developed a personality over at least five centuries, MD-0C6 displayed several distinct traits, including a gruff demeanor. However, those who knew him understood that his rough exterior was for the benefit of his patients. MD-0C6 would harshly dismiss anyone who disturbed a patient's rest, and he could be blunt with patients engaging in self-destructive behaviors. His patients' well-being was his highest concern, a quality that endeared him to the residents of Bartyn's Landing to such an extent that the droid participated in the town's governance. While on duty, MD-0C6 accepted assistance from qualified organic beings, though he often grumbled while doing so. Other droids considered MD-0C6's cantankerous personality to be charmingly peculiar. MD-0C6 was proficient in both Galactic Basic Standard and binary languages.

In contrast to most droids, MD-0C6 had an affinity for water. He owned a repulsorsail skiff and enjoyed sailing with his friend, Mix Liddell, when he was not working. He maintained contact with F-RTZ-2 via comlink during these excursions, ensuring he could be reached if his medical skills were required.


MD-0C6 generally resembled an Industrial Automaton MD-series droid, possessing the standard components of that model, including a diagnostic package, a heuristic processor, an enhanced sensor package, a medical diagnosis computer, a translator unit, and a vocabulator. Throughout his extended existence, MD-0C6 incorporated various available parts into his design, including blaster-resistant armor, a retractable, shoulder-mounted blaster, increased storage capacity, and repulsor units salvaged from an old speederboat to improve his mobility. With the exception of the repulsor unit that replaced his lower body, most of these modifications were not immediately noticeable.

Behind the scenes

MD-0C6 was conceived by the writer Cory J. Herndon and was featured in the article Bartyn's Landing and in the roleplaying adventure Reckonings, both of which appeared in the magazine Star Wars Gamer #7 (2001). He also had an entry in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia (2008), which presented some new information and contradicted Star Wars Gamer by suggesting that MD-0C6 had undergone regular memory wipes. This article regards that information as a typographical error, given that MD-0C6's lack of memory wipes was a fundamental aspect of the character's background in the Bartyn's Landing article.

