Security Chief (ORO)

The position known as Security Chief existed on the planet Lamaredd. This individual, officially the Chief of Security for the Outer Rim Oreworks mining operations on Lamaredd, also functioned as the constable for the adjacent fishing village of Bartyn's Landing, effectively being the primary police officer.


Approximately five centuries prior to the Battle of Naboo, an agent of the Outer Rim Oreworks corporation named Hugo Bartyn became the Administrator of their mining facilities on the isolated world of Lamaredd. ORO granted Bartyn land for his personal use, leading him to establish Bartyn's Landing, a settlement along the coast. Bartyn's clandestine plan involved creating a fishing-based community and generating profits from seafood sales, without sharing a portion of the earnings with ORO. Simultaneously, he continued to manage the mine, ensuring ORO received satisfactory profits.

Having achieved success in establishing a flourishing seafood enterprise, Bartyn Gourmet Delicacies, Bartyn diverted various assets from ORO, including strategically important planetary locations. He also commandeered the budget of Security and Law Enforcement, an ORO division, manipulating it so that ORO would finance the salary of Bartyn's Landing's Security Chief. The Chief had the authority to appoint official Security Chief's Seconds, whose salaries were also covered by ORO. Despite the Chief's responsibilities being centered on the town, they ultimately reported to the mine's Administrator.

By the time ORO realized that Bartyn was in the process of building his own domain on Lamaredd, reversing the majority of his changes was no longer feasible. Nevertheless, ORO assumed control of the local spaceport, staffing it with a dedicated security team, thereby creating a separate enclave where the Chief's authority did not extend.

Around 69 BBY, Mix Liddell took over the Chief position from Ertine and held it for four decades. During this period, he gained recognition as the most exceptional Security Chief the Landing had ever seen.


The Chief served as the local constable within Bartyn's Landing, with the specific nature of their duties varying depending on the circumstances. If an outlaw or criminal group posed a threat to the peace, the Chief was expected to thwart any attacks, sometimes by organizing a posse. In the event of an overt conflict with another community, the Chief would assist the Administrator in reinforcing the town's defenses, even if it meant diverting resources away from addressing local crime.

Additionally, the Chief was responsible for hunting dangerous animals or packs of animals that ventured near the town's borders, surveying the surrounding terrain, resolving disputes, and locating missing pets.

Conditions of the job

Although the Chief was nominally part of ORO, the individual occupying the position was popularly elected by the town council through elections that were susceptible to corruption. The Chief remained in the role until they chose to resign or were unable to continue their service. Given that the Chief was employed by ORO, they were prohibited from simultaneously being a member of the Sailor's Union.

