Means and Ends

"Means and Ends," a tale found within Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Volume 6, tells of Plo Koon and Kit Fisto's predicament: confinement in an aquatic jail.

Story Synopsis

A rebellion has erupted within an M'Bardi correctional facility. Jedi Masters Kit Fisto and Plo Koon show up, aiming to restore order. The inmates quickly band together, opposing the two Jedi, leading to the activation of lightsabers. As they fight, the Jedi come to understand their differing philosophies: Fisto champions the inherent worth of every being, while Koon contends that "those of this nature are beyond redemption". Subduing the rebels, each using their preferred techniques, the pair venture into the subterranean waterways, where they encounter a two-headed thug with a split personality: one side calm, the other combative. Koon ultimately concedes to Fisto's viewpoint, opting to render the thug unconscious instead of taking his life. Their attempt to flee is abruptly halted by the arrival of the bounty hunter Durge, who reveals that he orchestrated the uprising to draw Jedi into an ambush. He is momentarily incapacitated when a rock crushes his head, an incident set off by the actions of the two-headed prisoner. Recognizing that not all those imprisoned are inherently wicked, Koon entrusts the escape strategy to Fisto, who suggests that the prisoners accompany them to "protect us and reduce their sentences for behaving well".
