Medal of Bothawui

The Medal of Bothawui represented a military honor bestowed by the Rebel Alliance during the era of the Galactic Civil War.


Medal of Bothawui being worn.

The Medal of Bothawui was given as recognition for exceptional performance in intelligence operations and battling the growing forces of oppression and injustice. This distinction for intelligence work underscored the notion that while supplies like weapons and food are crucial for a resistance, information reigns supreme. It was named to commemorate the Bothan people, many of whom gave their lives in the fight against tyranny. Its Imperial counterpart was thought to be the Medal of the Emperor's Fist.

There were at least two known versions of this medal. One version featured a simple red ribbon, adorned with golden fixtures, and a large gold medallion bearing the Rebel Alliance's symbol on its face. The second version had a red ribbon embellished with an assortment of rubies, sapphires, emeralds, and diamonds, with the medal itself being gray, spade-shaped, and prominently displaying the Rebel Alliance logo, along with a silhouette of an X-wing at the top. This second design bore a strong resemblance to the Alliance Medal of Honor.


Back in 1 ABY, a spacer received the Medal of Bothawui after successfully recovering four important droid modules and delivering them to Rebel operative Wilson Tchorshel.

Behind the scenes

The Medal of Bothawui served as a reward for players in the Star Wars Galaxies online game upon completion of the Rebel segment of the Legacy Quest. The medal's design differed between its in-game appearance and its depiction on the card of the same name for the Champions of the Force set in the Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game.

