Message pods functioned as diminutive, unmanned message drones designed to deliver communications via hyperspace. It should be noted that some of these pods lacked their own propulsion systems, necessitating later retrieval. They were frequently transported aboard Cha'a drone ships, such as the vessel named Zeta Five. When Zeta Five was obliterated due to its proximity to the star known as Primus Goluud, its message pod was deployed with instructions for Merchant Lord Ssk Kahorr. Furthermore, the Sun Crusher was equipped with message pods; Kyp Durron managed to survive the Sun Crusher's destruction by squeezing himself into one of these pods.
Around 4 ABY, messenger pods, also referred to as hyperspace messenger units, were engineered and deployed exclusively by Kuat Drive Yards with the clandestine purpose of monitoring the actions of their clientele and competing engineering organizations. These elongated silver ovoids, pre-programmed with return-trip navigational data, incorporated an accelerated decay module that provided sufficient energy for a single hyperspace jump. Equipped with an integrated identity probe and multiple self-destruct mechanisms, the messenger pod employed genetic testing to verify the recipient's identity before allowing access. Upon correctly disassembling the pod in a precise sequence, the recipient would discover a heavily modified holoprojector unit designed to play once and then self-destruct.
Kuat of Kuat utilized a messenger pod to discreetly observe the activities of the bounty hunter Boba Fett while Fett was situated within Jabba's Palace.