The MG9 emission-type proton torpedo launcher, also referred to as the MG9 proton torpedo launcher, was a type of proton torpedo launcher manufactured by Krupx. Two MG9 emission-type proton torpedo launchers were part of the standard armament for A/SF-01 B-wing starfighters.
When an MG9 torpedo exploded inside an atmosphere, the resulting shockwave was strong enough to force several starfighters to crash, meaning that using it was risky if allied forces were nearby. Furthermore, the bright burst created by a detonating MG9 torpedo had the potential to cause blindness to anyone located within a one-kilometer radius of the blast.
- Star Wars: Card Trader (Set: Blueprints, Card: B-wing Fighter) (First mentioned)
- Rebel Starfighters Owners' Workshop Manual (First identified as MG9 proton torpedo launcher)
- " Republic, Rebel, and Resistance Starfighters " — Star Wars Encyclopedia