Michael Farone

Michael Farone, a developer of video games, served as the world builder for Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, the MMORPG from Sony Online Entertainment released in 2003. In addition, he penned "10 Hot Spots Travel Guide," an article that appeared on the Star Wars Galaxies web page.


  • A letter from Michael Farone to the community, originally found on the official Star Wars Galaxies website (note: the original content is no longer available; backup link provided)
  • The "10 Hot Spots Travel Guide" article, as it appeared on the official Star Wars Galaxies website (note: the original content is no longer available; backup link provided)

Notes and references

  • "Meet the SWG Devs and Team: Come Say Hi!" post on the official Star Wars Galaxies forums (note: the original content is no longer available; backup link provided)
