Large containers known as "microcases," sometimes written as "micro-cases" or referred to as "micro-packs," were sizable enough to be transported on the back of an adult male Human.
Using a power pack extracted from the chest of Kane Starkiller, Luke Skywalker concealed Biggs and Windy, who are Leia's two brothers, inside specially prepared microcases and induced a state of hibernation in them.
The microcase's external structure was designed to be resistant to scanners, which simplified Luke's task of safely transporting his comrades within them.
The concept of evading scanners by concealing individuals within a microcase ultimately evolved into the hidden compartments found on the Millennium Falcon, which were capable of withstanding the Empire's scanning technology.
- The Star Wars rough draft (Initial appearance)
- The Making of Star Wars: The Definitive Story Behind the Original Film