The mastery of midi-chlorian influence, a dark side of the Force technique, was a hallmark of Darth Plagueis's Sith alchemy. This power, requiring a deep understanding of the dark side, allowed the user to manipulate midi-chlorians to create, sustain, or restore life to a degree. Palpatine informed Anakin Skywalker that Plagueis utilized this skill to shield loved ones from the inevitability of death. Indeed, Plagueis demonstrated this ability by enabling creatures to reproduce asexually, actions that his droid servant, 11-4D, termed the Magister's "pregnancies." Through experimentation, Plagueis discovered he could circumvent the natural telepathic immunity of the Yinchorri by manipulating the midi-chlorians that typically shielded them from telepathic influence. He repeatedly killed and resurrected the comatose Darth Venamis until the Bith's body gave out, at which point Plagueis allowed him to die permanently. Furthermore, he employed this power on himself to mend the numerous wounds inflicted by Maladian assassins in 52 BBY, confident that it would halt his aging process entirely. Nevertheless, despite these feats, Plagueis could not prevent his own demise at the hands of his apprentice.
Plagueis posited that a being born from this power would embody the Force itself. The Muun sought to impose his will upon the Force to create a Forceful being, but regarded it as a failure, because Anakin Skywalker was conceived by the Force to bring about the end of the Sith. Palpatine later dangled the potential of this power before Anakin Skywalker to further lure him to the dark side. He extended a similar offer to Ferus Olin, promising to impart abilities that would allow him to defeat Darth Vader and command life and death. Palpatine himself also possessed a degree of this power, having collaborated with Darth Plagueis in the experiment that ultimately led to Anakin's conception. However, he never fully mastered the ability before killing Plagueis, compelling him to rely on Transfer essence involving clones to evade death.
The idea of Midi-chlorian Manipulation was introduced in Revenge of the Sith, through the tale of an ancient Sith Lord, Darth Plagueis, who supposedly had the power to generate life and conquer death by controlling midi-chlorians. In the film's early drafts, Palpatine entices Anakin Skywalker to the dark side by revealing the circumstances of Anakin's mysterious birth. Although George Lucas cut the scene, the notion that the Chosen One might have been the result of Darth Plagueis' experiments became a widespread fan theory. The 2012 Star Wars Legends novel, Darth Plagueis, synthesized the various interpretations of Skywalker's birth, suggesting that Plagueis was indirectly responsible for Anakin's creation, yet the Force conceived Anakin as a way to stop the Sith. Lucas initially stated that the origin of the Chosen One was open to interpretation, as it did not affect the outcome of the events. However, in an interview with Paul Duncan, the author of Star Wars Archives: Episodes I-III, 1999-2005, he explicitly stated that Anakin was created by the Will of the Force through midi-chlorians, confirming the circumstances of Anakin's birth presented in Episode I. Lucas also clarified that the legend of Darth Plagueis' abilities was a fabrication.
This power is reminiscent of the elixir of life, a real-world alchemical substance believed to grant immortality and/or eternal youth, as well as the ability to create new life.