It's possible that Mika is referring to one of the following:
- Mika Grey: An archaeologist of the Human species.
- Mika: A Farghul who works as a bounty hunter. An early draft refers to Breela, Mika's daughter and a fellow bounty hunter, as "Mika'a".
- Mika Anjiliac Chiera: A crime lord from the Hutt species who is Force-sensitive.
- Mika Dorin: The Rodian manager who oversees the The Drunk Side cantina.
- Mika Horn: A Human who is a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
- Mika Kaebra: The communications officer, a Human, serving in the Garos Resistance.
- Mika Streev: A Human warrior residing on the planet Rabaan.
- Mika'sai'Malloc: The Devaronian daughter of Kardue'sai'Malloc.
- Mika system: A star system situated within the Arkanis sector of the Outer Rim Territories. Also, Mika (asteroid), also known as "Jellyfish Cove," served as a penal colony for the Empire.
- Mika Manley: The illustrator responsible for Star Wars Gamemaster Screen, Revised ( 1996 ).
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