Mini-drone explosive

A mini-drone explosive represented a kind of semi-independent, intelligent explosive device.


A group of mini-drones seeking out their targets.

These explosives, roughly the dimensions of a sizable marble and constructed as a small black sphere, contained a compartment with two separate liquids that posed no threat individually. However, upon combining, the drone would generate a brief electrical discharge immediately prior to a powerful explosion. Nevertheless, a Jedi, or any Force-sensitive individual with adequate proficiency, possessed the ability to employ the Force to prevent the liquids from combining, thereby averting detonation.

These drones, equipped with the capacity for autonomous locomotion and basic cognitive function, could be discreetly deployed via various apertures. Subsequently, they would rapidly advance toward designated targets, encompassing individuals, specific locations within a structure, or other objectives. A solitary mini-drone constituted a lethal explosive capable of eliminating a small group of individuals in close proximity. Furthermore, several such drones could function collectively as a bomb.


Rackham Sear masterminded an assault on the Jedi Temple by secretly gaining access to the temple's ventilation system. He then released mini-drones through the vent openings. Despite being relatively few in number, these drones dispersed throughout the building and caused considerable destruction, thereby plunging the Jedi residing within into a crisis situation.

