The miniature bacta tank represented a smaller scale iteration of the bacta tank, designed for the treatment of specific, localized injuries. During the era of the Clone Wars, it saw utilization on clone troopers, and similarly, during the Galactic Civil War, it was employed on stormtroopers who sustained injuries in combat scenarios, particularly when a medical facility was not readily accessible. These miniature bacta tanks were potentially mounted on walls, enabling rapid access for a clone trooper or stormtrooper to apply treatment and promptly return to duty. This facilitated swift usage, allowing subsequent troopers to benefit from the tank. Notably, Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles encountered and utilized miniature bacta tanks throughout the Galactic Civil War.
In several LucasArts video games, miniature bacta tanks function as restorative health items. They are commonly discovered as drops from deceased soldiers, Ammunition droids/engineers, or are located within the environment of a given level.