Mirev-Ka was a Voss woman, identifiable by her female gender, who resided on Voss during the time of the Galactic War. She held a position within the Adjudicators and was married to Lokir-Ka, a diplomat.
In approximately 3640 BBY, Mirev-Ka oversaw an Adjudicators case concerning the Voidhound. This individual, a smuggler associate of her husband, was under suspicion for the illicit transportation of Gormak cyberbeasts away from the planet. Lokir-Ka served as the defense in this same trial, despite his wife's efforts to maintain decorum. The smuggler was acquitted of the primary accusation, but found culpable on several lesser charges, including interactions with the Gormak and entering the Nightmare Lands. As part of the sentencing, Mirev-Ka mandated that the smuggler perform deliveries for various Voss who had traveled throughout the galaxy.