Misha Quor-Din was a Human female Padawan. During the final years of the Galactic Republic, she was affiliated with the Jedi Order.
Being a Force-sensitive Human, Misha Quor-Din became a Padawan within the Jedi Order, undergoing training at the experimental Academy located on the planet of Almas. In 31 BBY, Quor-Din, along with other students, embarked on an expedition into the Almas Wasteland under the supervision of Jedi Master Kirlocca, who was also the Academy battlemaster. During this expedition, some Jedi were corrupted by the dark side of the Force and turned against Kirlocca. Quor-Din and the other Jedi attempted to defend Kirlocca, but were forced to retreat by their now-insane adversaries. While fleeing, she was seized by a group known as the Believers.
Subsequently, she was transported to the Almas Sith fortress, where she was imprisoned by Garvin Delquist. Delquist, a researcher from the Forard research station who had gained dark side abilities from a Sith amulet, had ordered her capture due to his infatuation with her. However, Quor-Din did not share his affections and rejected his advances. Eventually, she was rescued by agents dispatched by Master Lanius Qel-Bertuk and safely returned to the Academy.