Forard research station

In the year 34 BBY, a scientific outpost was established close to Forard on the planet Almas. Its purpose was to analyze the [kaluthin] plant species(/article/kaluthin) and explore the potential for its relocation to different planets. Additionally, trials were conducted to hybridize the kaluthin with non-native flora.

This outpost comprised a total of seven stories, with three located underground. The [kaluthin] plant was cultivated in such a way that it permeated the various levels of the structure, and its bioluminescence served as a source of illumination. The subterranean levels facilitated the examination of the plant's root system. Unbeknownst to the principal investigators, clandestine and ethically questionable studies were also being carried out on the lower floors.

Funding for the outpost came from a group of universities located in the Core world regions. During its initial three years of operation, the facility failed to yield any definitive conclusions. The assignment to such an isolated location could be interpreted as a form of disciplinary action, depending on the individual researcher's professional aspirations. However, some individuals, like Gilloma, embraced the possibilities for research that the location offered.

The activities of the outpost were under surveillance, and reports on their advancements were being sent to a secret contact on Genarius.

