Mission 11: Interdiction

title: Mission 11: Interdiction

Mission 11: Interdiction, a starfighter combat scenario, marks the eleventh entry in the series crafted for the Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game. It was made available as a rules addition in the VT-49 Decimator Expansion Pack.

Plot summary

Aboard the VT-49 Decimator's bridge, the Imperial Commander remained motionless, her hands clasped behind her. She observed two TIE/ln fighters moving to engage a pair of Rebel ships. Her voice cut through the silence. "Lieutenant, enlighten me. Why are our weapons silent?"

"Commander, our fighters are currently in close combat with the enemy, preventing a clean shot."

"I recall your high praise for our gunnery teams' precision. Let us hope it was not empty words. Open fire!"

Mission Setup

Rebel: The Rebel player's squadron must total 100 points and consist of four small ships.

Imperial: The Imperial player can field Rear Admiral Chiraneau equipped with Ruthlessness, Ysanne Isard, Ion Torpedoes, and Dauntless, alongside two Academy Pilots. As an alternative to Rear Admiral Chiraneau and associated upgrades, the Imperial player can opt for a VT-49 Decimator with upgrades, spending up to 60 squad points.

The Imperial player positions all six asteroids within the designated play area, ensuring that no asteroid is within Range 1 of another.

Next, the Imperial player selects two of the Rebel player's ships, which the Rebel player then places within Range 1 of the Rebel edge. (The edge opposite the Rebel edge is designated as the neutral edge; the remaining two edges are considered Imperial edges).

Following this, the Imperial player deploys their ship(s) within Range 1 of either of the two Imperial edges.

Note: The remaining two Rebel ships will be deployed at the conclusion of Round Three.

Mission Objectives

Rebel victory is achieved by destroying all Imperial ships. Imperial victory is achieved by destroying all four Rebel ships.

