The second starfighter combat situation, titled Mission 2: Asteroid Run, was created for the Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game. It was released as a rules enhancement within the Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game Core Set.
Rebel starships, while on patrol in the Outer Rim, stumbled upon a clandestine Imperial base! Regrettably, before the Rebels could alert the Rebellion, the Imperial base's ion cannons unleashed a volley of fire, crippling the communications relay and hyperdrive on a Rebel vessel. In a desperate attempt to survive, the Rebels retreated into a nearby asteroid field as their astromech droids worked to restore the damaged systems. Facing overwhelming odds, the crippled ship must endure until its systems are operational again, and then must escape the battle zone to inform Rebel command!
Rebel Forces: Luke Skywalker equipped with Determination
Imperial Forces: Night Beast, Mauler Mithel equipped with Marksmanship
The Imperial player positions their starships within a distance of Range 1 from **either the Rebel or Imperial player's side **of the playing field. The Imperial player is free to deploy their ships on either side of the play area, or split them between the two sides.
Following this, the Rebel player positions their ship(s) anywhere on the playing surface that is **outside **the range of 1-3 of either the Imperial edge or the Rebel edge of the play area. The Rebel player then designates one of their ships as the **Disabled Ship **and inserts a tracking token into its base for identification.
Afterwards, the Imperial player strategically places the six asteroid tokens throughout the play area, ensuring they are **not within **Range 1 of any Rebel starships **or **other asteroid tokens.
To achieve victory, the disabled ship is required to escape towards either the Imperial or Rebel side of the battlefield during Round 5 or later. Any ship attempting to flee before Round 5, or fleeing from a side of the playing area that is neither the Imperial or Rebel side, will be considered destroyed. The Imperial forces secure victory if the disabled ship is destroyed.