Mission to Dellalt

The quest known as the Mission to Dellalt involved the crew of the legendary Millennium Falcon, along with their passengers, in a search for the lost log-recorder of the mythical Queen of Ranroon.


Following a completed delivery to the planet of Brigia, Han Solo and Chewbacca traveled to Rudrig to receive the remaining payment. There, they encountered Alexsandr Badure, a former associate who sought to hire them, along with their starship, the Millennium Falcon. Badure, accompanied by his colleagues, Hasti Troujow, and Skynx from Ruuria, teamed up with Han and Chewie and their droid companions, Bollux and Blue Max, for a journey to the planet Dellalt. Their goal was to retrieve a log-recorder disk left behind by Hasti's sister, Lanni.

The Undertaking

Badure's strategy for recovering the artifact was straightforward: disguise Hasti as her deceased sister Lanni, retrieve the disk from the Dellaltian Bank and Currency Exchange, have Skynx, the academic, interpret it, and then claim the treasure. However, the bank's Steward and his assisstant rejected her request. As they contemplated their next action, J'uoch, her brother R'all, and their muscle, Egome Fass, seized the Millennium Falcon, believing the log-recorder disk was onboard.

The Voyage

The group determined that the Millennium Falcon presented their best opportunity to escape the obscure planet of Dellalt, leading them to pursue it. During their pursuit, they stumbled upon a group of indigenous people in the mountains, known as the Survivors, and were taken prisoner. While in captivity, the group learned that their captors possessed a connection to the ancient Queen of Ranroon. After escaping, they proceeded towards J'uoch's mining camp and the Falcon. Before reaching the camp, Han and his companions encountered a battalion of Xim's war-robots, commanded by the Mission Commander, preparing to assault the mining camp. This revelation unraveled the mystery. The Steward and his assistant deployed the Guardian Corps from its hidden location in the mountains, intending to eliminate all parties involved to protect the secret of the treasure.


The Conflict

Han, Chewbacca, and the others attempted to warn the miners about the impending attack, but their efforts were met with hostility, resulting in a confrontation. During the skirmish, Solo killed R'all and discovered that Gallandro, a gunman, had followed him from the Corporate Sector seeking revenge. It became a struggle for survival. The war-robots arrived at the camp and began to destroy everything. Han and his comrades fought valiantly but were unable to reach the Falcon. They retreated to the far side of the camp's bridge, where they encountered and battled J'uoch and Egome Fass. The miner and her enforcer were defeated in the fight. As the Guardian Corps pursued them across the bridge, Bollux and Blue Max transmitted a command signal to the robots, synchronizing their marching and causing the bridge to collapse, sending the Corps into the abyss. Gallandro, now interested in a share of the treasure, rescued the stranded group, and they returned to the city.

The Riches

The group discovered that the apparent vault complex was merely a front, concealing the true vaults behind it. They easily breached the bank's defenses using the Millennium Falcon's quad-guns. Han, Skynx, and the gunman set out to locate their prize. After discovering the treasure chamber, Gallandro betrayed Solo, and in a quick-draw duel, Han was wounded. Skynx fled down a side corridor, and as Gallandro pursued him, he was lured into a "no weapons" zone and eliminated. The group reunited and entered the treasure vault, only to find that the treasure was worthless. While valuable twenty-five millennia ago, the majority of it was outdated and of little practical use.

The Result

Skynx was selected to lead the recovery project as the chief archaeologist, and he invited Badure and Hasti, along with the droids, to join him. They all accepted, and the group went their separate ways, with Han Solo and Chewbacca pledging to stick to smuggling from then on.

