Mission to Fest (Galactic Civil War)

During his investigation into the Dark troopers, the then-mercenary Kyle Katarn paid a visit to a Weapons Research Facility located on Fest. His goal was to gather additional information pertaining to their creation.

After Katarn apprehended Moff Rebus, Rebus was hesitant during the subsequent interrogation, but he did mention something regarding 'test results conducted on the planet Fest'. Crix Madine, an Imperial agent who had defected, verified that a facility existed on the planet, and that it was engaged in metallurgical research. Jan Ors, who was in charge of Katarn's operation, came to the conclusion that analyzing samples from the facility would assist the alliance in determining the project's origins.


In the year 0 ABY, the Alliance to Restore the Republic became aware of an Imperial weapons initiative known as the Dark Trooper Project. As part of their efforts to sabotage the project, Alliance operative Kyle Katarn was sent to the Anoat sector. There, he successfully captured Moff Rebus, who was the designer of the prototype weapons intended for use in the Imperial project. During questioning, Rebus revealed that testing had taken place on the planet Fest. Fest, situated in the Atrivis sector within the Outer Rim Territories, housed an Imperial Weapons Research Facility. General Crix Madine, an Imperial sympathetic to the Rebel cause, confirmed the facility's existence to the Rebels. The Alliance determined that any data obtained from the testing facility could prove valuable in defeating the Dark Troopers.

Rebel operative Jan Ors provided Kyle Katarn with a briefing on the mission, granting him substantial freedom in determining the specific methods to be employed. The Weapons Facility on Fest was constructed deep beneath substantial rock formations, featuring a heavily fortified entrance designed to withstand direct assaults.

The mission

Entering the Weapons Facility

Ors piloted Katarn to the planet Fest aboard the starship known as the Moldy Crow, dropping him off on a narrow ledge overlooking a ravine. Proceeding along the ledge, Katarn entered a sizable clearing occupied by several stormtroopers, under the command of an Imperial Navy officer. After eliminating the Imperial forces, Katarn followed an ascending path through the cliffs, eventually reaching a position above a large courtyard. This courtyard contained a large multi-story building and a sizable door set into the cliff face. Katarn descended into the courtyard, engaging a unit of stormtroopers who were conducting a parade. He then avoided the main entrance and ascended a staircase built into the cliff face. After investigating a small tower at the top of the staircase, Katarn discovered a hole that allowed him to drop behind the door.

Once inside, Katarn neutralized several Imperial personnel before activating the controls that opened the main entrance to the Weapons Facility.

Investigating the Facility

Among the Imperial forces Katarn faced, one Imperial Officer possessed a code card. Using this card, Kyle gained access to the classified section of the facility, where phrik alloys were being tested. By skillfully manipulating a complex rotating bridge, he successfully reached a cylindrical platform containing a case with an alloy sample.

Kyle was prevented from retracing his steps back to his ship. He had to navigate the perilous testing room and eventually reached the proper front entrance of the facility. By gaining control of the gate mechanisms, he was able to return to the rocky terrain and, ultimately, to his ship.

Behind the scenes

Within this mission, there exists an Easter egg: Players have the opportunity to discover a hidden room, concealed behind a secret door, that contains a chained Ewok.

