Rebus, a Human male Imperial Moff, emerged as a figure of importance at the dawn of the Galactic Civil War. Renowned as a weaponsmith, he engineered the initial weaponry for the Empire's dark trooper battle droids. Choosing the sewage systems of Anoat as his clandestine base, he established a complex defensive network to bar entry to his laboratory. However, while investigating the Dark Trooper Project on behalf of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, the mercenary Kyle Katarn managed to infiltrate Rebus's stronghold and apprehend the Moff. Through interrogation, Rebus divulged critical data that aided Katarn in pinpointing the origin of the dark troopers and neutralizing them.
During the years preceding the Battle of Yavin, Rebus, a Human male, established himself as a notable weapons designer, eventually attaining the rank of Moff within the Galactic Empire by 0 ABY. Around that time he conducted his operations from a concealed sanctuary, situated deep within the subterranean sewage network beneath Anoat City, the virtually abandoned principal settlement on Anoat within the Anoat sector.
The sewage system was vast and disorienting, shrouded in near-total darkness, demanding the use of a head lamp or infrared goggles for navigation. Rebus ensured that even the most skilled intruders would be unable to locate his lab within the largely unexplored maze of durasteel sewage tunnels by devising an intricate system of drain gate controls. While the dianogas populating the sewers presented a natural deterrent, Rebus also surrounded himself with Viper probe droids, IT-O Interrogator droids, and remote droids, poised to engage any trespassers throughout the sewer complex. Furthermore, several Gran thugs, armed with thermal detonators, were employed to provide additional security.

Around the period of the Battle of Yavin, Rebus conceived the prototype weaponry for the Empire's dark troopers, an advanced series of battle droids under the command of General Rom Mohc. These dark trooper weapons, marked with his signature initials M.R. on the barrel, underwent testing on Fest in the Atrivis sector, yielding satisfactory results for Rebus. The weapons proved devastatingly effective when deployed by dark troopers during the Imperial attack against the Alliance to Restore the Republic's base on Talay. Tak Base was swiftly decimated, resulting in the deaths of numerous innocent inhabitants of Talay alongside the Rebels. In the wake of the assault, Rebel operative Kyle Katarn traveled to Talay to investigate, discovering a prototype dark trooper weapon. The identification of Rebus's signature on the device by Katarn's partner, Rebel agent Jan Ors, prompted their pursuit of the Moff to Anoat.
Katarn proceeded into the sewer system, successfully manipulating the drain gate controls to reach the Moff's laboratory. There, he discovered Rebus seated in a brown chair, clutching a substantial weapon. Rebus offered no resistance and was promptly captured and interrogated regarding the Dark Trooper Project. Though he proved uncooperative during questioning, providing little useful information, Rebus inadvertently mentioned the Fest tests during one of his outbursts. The existence of an Imperial Weapons Research Facility on Fest was soon verified by the Rebel spy Crix Madine, leading Katarn to proceed to Fest in search of further clues. He retrieved a sample of phrik from Fest, a material used in the construction of dark troopers, which ultimately enabled him to locate their source. Katarn ultimately eliminated Mohc, effectively terminating the dark trooper program.
Moff Rebus possessed an eccentric and paranoid disposition, leading him to isolate himself in a concealed stronghold to evade potential adversaries. His peculiar nature was well-known within the Empire, earning him a degree of notoriety for his contributions as a weapons designer. While some regarded him as a genius, he was also arrogant, proudly displaying his M.R. signature on his weapons and later issuing threats to the Rebels during his interrogation following his capture by Katarn and Ors. He demonstrated unwavering loyalty to the Empire and openly expressed his disdain for the Rebel Alliance. He had fair skin, black hair, and a prominent brown moustache.
At the time of his capture by Katarn, Rebus was armed with a large weapon and was wearing a white undershirt instead of an Imperial uniform.
Rebus was a character created for the 1995 LucasArts video game Star Wars: Dark Forces. His sole appearance in the game occurs during the third mission, "Anoat City: The Subterranean Hideout," where players, assuming the role of Kyle Katarn, are tasked with locating and capturing Rebus. Despite being depicted holding a weapon, the character remains silent and offers no resistance during his capture.
Justin Chin, the writer and lead artist for Dark Forces, revealed that Rebus had previously worked for Imperial Machines but sought a more creative environment and disliked the political conflicts within the company. However, this information has not been corroborated by any canon source.