Anoat City was a single urban center situated on the world of Anoat, and represented the solitary inhabited location on the entire planet.
The Galactic Civil War era found the city deserted for a considerable time. A sprawling and disused sewage treatment facility existed directly below this abandoned city. This complex comprised extensive networks of durasteel tunnels and corridors, heavily corroded and saturated with waste, forming the underground sewer system. The expansive and confusing sewer system was home to dianogas, and Moff Rebus picked this dangerous environment as both his secret base and his laboratory. He put in place a complex series of switches that operated an intricate network of floodgates, designed to deter unwanted visitors.
Kyle Katarn undertook a mission into the waste processing complex beneath the city to find Rebus, who was also a weapons developer involved in the Dark Trooper Project.