Mistal, a Human woman, held the title of duchess governing Dargul starting in 11 ABY. Around 9 ABY, when she was of marriageable age, she sought an ideal husband. A man by the name of Dack infiltrated the computer network of Palace Dargul and manipulated the system to present himself as her perfect match. They married, but Mistal's constant surveillance of Dack drove him nearly insane, leading him to flee to Umgul, Dargul's sister planet. Mistal offered a reward of one million credits for his unharmed return. This reward was eventually claimed by Lando Calrissian and Slish Fondine, the owner of a blob stable. Fondine initially wanted Dack killed for cheating, but Calrissian convinced him otherwise, arguing that handing Dack over to the duchess would greatly please her, which proved to be true. Later, with Dack, she was a guest of honor at a performance of the Cathedral of Winds on Vortex. Dack himself acknowledged Mistal's beauty and charm, but also noted her extreme possessiveness.