The Syndic of the [Chiss](/article/chiss/legends], Mitth'ras'safis, whose core name is "Thrass," who is a member of the Eighth Ruling Family, and his brother, Mitth'raw'nuruodo, the Force Commander of the Chiss Expansionary Fleet with the core name "Thrawn," were at one time members of a blood family of ordinary citizens within the structure of the Chiss Ascendancy.
Thrass cautioned Thrawn, subsequent to the Battle of Geroon, that the Eighth Family would release him back to his original family to prevent his deeds from negatively affecting their status among the Ruling Families. Thrawn, disregarding Thrass's caution, reminded him of their shared common origin and his capacity to return to that life. He assured his brother that he would strive to ensure his actions did not compromise Thrass's standing in the Eighth Ruling Family.
The blood family of Mitth'ras'safis was initially introduced to the Star Wars universe in Timothy Zahn's Outbound Flight novel, released in 2006.