The Mobile Proton Torpedo Launcher-2a, also known as the MPTL-2a, represented a medium-sized mobile artillery platform. This crawler-type vehicle, employed as a proton torpedo launcher, could unleash proton warheads via a nine-tubed launch assembly that extended from within its protective armored exterior. The Rebel Alliance utilized the MPTL-2a, which was created to address critical weaknesses that the Galactic Empire was taking advantage of in its predecessor, the MPTL-L.

Loratus Manufacturing engineered and manufactured this tracked mobile weapons platform. To prepare for the deployment of proton torpedoes, the vehicle's armored shell would open, revealing nine launch tubes. When working together with spotter droids that used sensor pinged to locate heavily armored enemy forces, the MPTL-2a could fire at targets over 20 kilometers away. However, the absence of sensor droids or spotting units could significantly reduce its range and precision.
During the Galactic Civil War, Imperial artillery units began to exploit the slow reaction time and turning speed of the MPTL-L. The Rebel Alliance urgently requested design improvements from Loratus Manufacturing, resulting in the 2a variant. This updated version was lighter, providing improved maneuverability and a quicker launch assembly deployment compared to the MPTL-L. However, the lighter construction compromised the launcher's stability and range. Initial field tests revealed poor performance, necessitating the addition of gription stabilizers to ensure the vehicle's steadiness during firing. While the increased mobility made it a less vulnerable target than the MPTL-L, it was not intended for direct combat. Consequently, Rebel Commanders assigned armed escorts to these vehicles or kept them beyond the range of heavy enemy fire. Despite its limitations, the MPTL-2a marked a substantial improvement over the MPTL-L due to its reduced weight and, when paired with spotter units, its enhanced firing range.