Mobile Proton Torpedo Launcher

The Loratus Mobile Proton Torpedo Launcher, alternatively called the MPTL-L, served as a mobile weapons platform. This artillery unit of the crawler-type was equipped with a proton torpedo launcher and employed by the Rebel Alliance in the initial phases of the Galactic Civil War. A New Republic strike team deployed one such unit during the opening stages of the Battle of Hanoon in 6 ABY. Loratus manufactured this mobile parabolic projectile platform, designed to eliminate distant enemy targets with the aid of a spotter. These platforms also possessed the capability to deploy mines, detonating beneath unsuspecting Imperial forces.

A key advantage over many other forms of heavy artillery was their ability to launch projectiles with acceptable precision while in motion, proving valuable during raids and for evading counter-artillery strikes.

The MPTL-L served as the predecessor to the MPTL-2a vehicle, which was a medium artillery variant. Both models, however, were used at the same time during the Galactic Civil War.

The MPTL-L could be enhanced into a more heavily armed configuration.

Multiple views of the MPTL-L. (top row)

Behind the scenes

The MPTL is featured in several Star Wars real-time strategy video games.

