Model TT4 Holorecording Macrobinoculars

TT4 Holorecording Macrobinoculars refer to a line of holorecording macrobinoculars produced by the Neuro-Saav Corporation. As with the majority of macrobinoculars, the TT4 models incorporated an integrated readout system displaying both distance and elevation data. Furthermore, the TT4s possessed the capability to record and replay the user's field of view, a feature that significantly contributed to the higher price point of the initial versions.

These TT4s incorporated integrated holo and video recorders, capable of archiving up to three hours of visual data on a single, conventional datacard.

Their genesis lies in early prototypes conceived by Rebel Alliance commandos. While somewhat larger than typical macrobinoculars, they possessed the ability to capture high-resolution still holoimages. A standard datadisc could accommodate one hundred such images.

Within the Praesitlyn Defense Force, each reconnaissance team received only a solitary pair of these devices.

Behind the scenes

According to The Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology, released in 1997, the TT4s were classified as electrobinoculars, as opposed to macrobinoculars.

The depiction of Holorecording Macrobinoculars in Jedi Trial was inconsistent with information from both the Arms & Equipment Guide and Gundark's Fantastic Technology: Personal Gear, both of which stated that these devices were not available until after the Battle of Endor.

