The Mondress system existed as a star system within the bounds of the Expansion Region. Back in 27 BBY, the starship known as Outbound Flight made a visit there during its initial trial voyage. As the time of the Separatist Crisis drew near, the Mondress system had become linked to seven other star systems through the Keitumite Mutual Military Treaty. This collection of systems was a smaller piece of a much larger network of forty systems, all connected by various alliances and treaties, with the rather unremarkable planet of Ansion at the center.
In 22 BBY, with the members of the Keitumite Mutual Military Treaty considering separation from the Galactic Republic, the Confederacy of the Independent Systems aimed to encourage the entire network of systems tied to Ansion to secede. However, a Jedi mission to Ansion intervened, ensuring that the planet, along with its allied systems, remained loyal to the Republic, thus thwarting the Separatist scheme. Decades later, the Mondress system found itself within the territory of the New Republic.
This system, Mondress, could be found in the Mondress sector, which itself was part of the Outer Expansion Zone sub-region of the broader Expansion Region. A hyperlane provided a connection to both the Horob system of the Vardoss sector and the Carvandir system within its sector of the same name.

In 27 BBY, the Mondress system played host to the Outbound Flight, a Galactic Republic vessel undertaking a mission to explore and colonize the Unknown Regions. This visit occurred during a three-week shakedown cruise. The tour's carefully mapped out path ensured stops in the home sectors of the most influential supporters of the Outbound Flight Project within the Republic's Galactic Senate.
Five years down the line, the Mondress system held membership in the Republic and was also a signatory to the Keitumite Mutual Military Treaty, a pact that, while never invoked, linked it to seven other systems. These included: the Dorin system of the Expansion Region's Deadalis sector; the Eeropha system in the Colonies; and the Ansion, Glom Tho, Keitum, Lonnaw, and Malari systems in the Mid Rim. Furthermore, Mondress, its allied systems, and the Malarian Alliance—also associated with the planet Ansion—maintained their own treaties with other worlds. This placed the seemingly unimportant Ansion at the heart of a network of roughly forty politically interconnected star systems. As the Separatist Crisis unfolded, individual signatory systems of both the Malarian Alliance and the Keitumite Mutual Military Treaty contemplated withdrawing from the Republic.

The Confederacy of Independent Systems hoped to instigate Ansion's secession from the Republic, anticipating that this would trigger a chain reaction, leading all systems linked to Ansion via treaties to follow suit. Presidente Shu Mai of the Commerce Guild detailed this Separatist strategy to Corellian industrialist Tam Uliss and his Twi'lek companion during a meeting with Ansion's Senator Mousul in a private chamber on Coruscant, a Core Worlds planet serving as the Republic's capital, in 22 BBY. Mai also highlighted the Keitumite Mutual Military Treaty member systems, including Mondress, to the group via a holographic projection of the galaxy.
However, a mission to Ansion carried out by members of the Jedi Order on behalf of the Republic at that time resulted in Ansion and its allies remaining loyal to the galactic government, thereby preventing the Separatist plan from succeeding. After the establishment of the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY, the newly-appointed Imperial Moff of the Mid Rim's Churnis sector declared all existing treaties and alliances involving Ansion to be invalid. By 12 ABY, the Mondress system was located within the boundaries of the New Republic.
The Approaching Storm, a 2002 novel written by Alan Dean Foster, included a holographic depiction of the various unnamed star systems linked to Ansion through the Keitumite Mutual Military Treaty. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas, penned by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry, drawing inspiration from the name of the Mondress sector introduced in the 1994 West End Games roleplaying game sourcebook Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters, identified one of these systems as the Mondress system, locating it in grid square J-7.