During the year 0 BBY, a Mos Eisley cop served within the local law enforcement forces of Mos Eisley. This force was actively pursuing BoShek due to his actions of running an Imperial blockade and destroying four TIE Fighters as a result. While BoShek was undeniably responsible, the policeman was primarily seeking a pilot to falsely accuse and offer up to the stormtrooper contingent that had gathered on the planet in search of the escape pod jettisoned from the Tantive IV.
The officer, along with his fellow officers, pursued BoShek to the location of the Dowager Queen, where the smuggler cleverly concealed his identity by posing as a monk who preached about the Force. The group was distracted by Zeta Squadron executing Het Nkik below, which allowed BoShek sufficient time to flee the dilapidated vessel. Although the law enforcer managed to fire his blaster, a large crowd of preachers, who were now also pursuing BoShek for having made fun of their vocation, served as adequate cover, preventing the officer from aiming properly and ultimately enabling BoShek to successfully evade capture.