MT dropship

The MT dropship functioned as a troop transport, manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation, and was utilized by personnel within the Galactic Alliance Core Fleet starting in 137 ABY.


This conical dropship featured its command center situated at the apex of its cone-shaped design. This location provided commanders and pilots with a comprehensive view of the surroundings, configured to allow viewing out the sides when operating within an atmosphere and viewing out the top when in space. Communications arrays were positioned at the very top of the cone shaped ship. Beneath the command center, an array of weaponry was installed, including laser cannons as well as missile launchers. The bottommost sections of the craft could be opened to facilitate the deployment of soldiers and vehicles.


Even with their armored and shielded exteriors, MT dropships required escort ships to safely arrive at combat zones. The Alliance employed these dropships for both the deployment of troops and for use as evacuation transports. Additionally, they served as mobile hubs for command and communications while stationed on the ground.


  • Legacy Era Campaign Guide

Notes and references
