Mucous salamander

Mucous salamanders, a type of salamander, were native inhabitants of the rivers found on the jungle moon known as Yavin 4. Above the dim waters of these rivers, spider angler creatures constructed their webs, which were used to locate and capture mucous salamanders.

Behind the scenes

Within the established Star Wars canon, the existence of mucous salamanders was acknowledged in the reference work "Scarif and Other Planets in the Outer Rim," brought to the public by De Agostini. This was a component of their Star Wars Encyclopedia series, and it was released on July 20, 2021. Regarding the Star Wars Legends continuity, the mucous salamanders made their initial appearance in the 1995 novel Young Jedi Knights: Heirs of the Force. This novel was the first book in the Star Wars: Young Jedi Knights series, authored by Kevin J. Anderson together with Rebecca Moesta. Their first visual depiction occurred in the 2001 reference book The Wildlife of Star Wars: A Field Guide, penned by Terryl Whitlatch along with Bob Carrau.


Notes and references
