Myles, a Mandalorian of the male persuasion, was a part of the True Mandalorians serving under the Mand'alor Jango Fett. When the Mandalorians under Fett were employed by the Governor of Galidraan to suppress an uprising on the planet Galidraan, Myles accompanied Jango. During the battle, he acted as Fett's assistant. Fett discovered that the Mandalorians had been deceived by a Death Watch plot, accused of murdering "political activists," which led to a Jedi team being dispatched to apprehend them. Fett desperately tried to reach Myles, aiming to alert him to evacuate the camp. Fett's warning, however, was unable to reach the camp in time, and he arrived simultaneously with the Jedi, who were led by Jedi Master Dooku. During the resulting confrontation between the Jedi and Mandalorian fighters, Myles attempted to support Fett from the air using his jetpack. However, a Jedi used Force Jump to reach Myles and cut him in two at the waist with their lightsaber, resulting in his death. Fett, enraged by Myles's demise, brutally murdered that same Jedi, along with five others, with his bare hands as an act of revenge.