Nal Kenuun's Podracer

Nal Kenuun held ownership of a Keizar-Volvec KV9T9-B Wasp Podracer, which was a Podracer that the Rebel Luke Skywalker piloted, even though the Muun gambler Nal Kenuun was the one who possessed it. Following the battle of Yavin in 0 ABY, Skywalker killed Kenuun's initial Podracing pilot, Grunta. Kenuun apprehended the Rebel, and Skywalker proposed racing for Kenuun to save himself and his comrade. During a practice run for the race, Grunta's Podracer experienced a failure due to a faulty current filter. The Podracer spiraled wildly before impacting the ground, resulting in its total destruction. Surviving unscathed, Skywalker requested a replacement Podracer and received Nal Kenuun's Podracer, which he then utilized to secure victory in the race.

