Navari Trik functioned as a purveyor of artworks.

Around the time of 1 ABY, she was given the assignment to circulate paintings chosen from the Galactic Empire Painting Contest, while also covertly circulating Rebel artworks originating from the Rebel Alliance Painting Contest.
For a brief period, she established her business near the Mos Eisley Cantina, providing paintings to various space travelers. Among the notable artworks she distributed were United in our Cause and The March to Restuss.
Subsequently, she reappeared, distributing two additional paintings, Imperial Oasis Incident and Preparing for the Storm, in the vicinity of the Mos Eisley Spaceport.
Within the MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies, Navari Trik was a Non-Player Character (NPC). With Game Update 5, players had the opportunity to acquire paintings from her within Mos Eisley. These works of art were created by players and selected through player voting.
She resurfaced once more during Game Update 14, giving away two more paintings without charge. Identically to the previous time, these two paintings were products of player creativity, with the playerbase casting votes for them on the Star Wars Galaxies message board.