The 2JTJ personal navigation droid, a creation of the Genetech Corporation, served as a personal assistant specifically tailored for individuals who had recently experienced vision loss.
The 2JTJ incorporated numerous elements found in a typical protocol droid. Among these were its sleek, silver-colored humanoid form and an advanced program that dictated its personality. Its head was equipped with a multitude of additional sensor units, which allowed the droid to perform infrared scanning, emit radar sweeps, generate echolocation pings, and project faint, invisible lasers for distance measurement. Furthermore, the droid featured elongated arms designed to provide support to its owner in the event of a stumble.
The droid's programming could be configured to embody either a feminine or masculine persona, depending on the owner's preference. Regardless of the chosen configuration, the resulting personality was invariably characterized by an excessively cheerful disposition. This relentless optimism and exuberance could prove to be somewhat irritating, particularly for patients still grappling with the emotional trauma of their recent vision loss.
Annually, hospitals and rehabilitation facilities accounted for 80% of all 2JTJ droid sales. Medical professionals utilized these 2JTJ droids to assist patients who had recently lost their sight due to accidents or illnesses. They also provided support to individuals with cyborg optic implants who struggled to adapt to digitized vision. The remaining 20% of 2JTJ droids were acquired by private individuals, typically those living alone who occasionally required assistance. Genetech strategically expanded the 2JTJ's market by promoting the model to non-human species lacking conventional optical senses. Notably, Genetech included the Miraluka in their target demographic, seemingly unaware of the species' inherent ability to see without the use of eyes.
These droids were also highly proficient chauffeurs, capable of identifying the most efficient route to any destination using their integrated automapping software. Additionally, when navigating on foot, the droid would verbally identify any obstacles in the owner's path. However, on occasion, the droid's helpfulness could be excessive. As exemplified by the case of Jedi Master Tahl, the droid meticulously cataloged every root and leaf obstructing the Jedi's path.