Naz Felyood served as the Corellian captain of the pirate vessel Jynni's Virtue until it was destroyed in the year 1 BBY.
Five years before the life-altering events transpired, Felyood, in the company of his trusted first mate, Babbnod Luroon, participated in a game of sabacc on the planet Nar Shaddaa against an elderly woman cloaked in a hood. Before she lost the game and mysteriously vanished, the woman foretold that Felyood would one day journey to Korriban, a world she described as a place where "evil lives," and uncover a treasure of immense value.
This prediction faded into the recesses of Felyood's memory until a failed escape from an Imperial patrol resulted in him crash landing on the ancient Sith tomb world. He eventually embarked on an exploration of a nearby valley, where an accidental stumble led him into the tomb of the ancient Sith King Dathka Graush.
Inside the tomb, Felyood came across Graush's sarcophagus along with a collection of artifacts: a Sith sword, a Sith holocron, an amulet, and the Force-imbued Heart of Graush. Upon discovering these items, Felyood was overtaken by the spirit of the long-deceased Sith Lord, which caused his army of the undead to awaken once more.
During an attack on the crippled Jynni's Virtue, Felyood ultimately lost the Heart. Overwhelmed by the loss of his comrades, he penned a letter expressing his affections for First Mate Luroon. He also issued a warning, advising anyone who found the letter to evacuate Korriban while they still had the opportunity.
Felyood spent the remainder of his existence wandering the desolate landscapes of Korriban, relentlessly searching for the missing Heart. The lingering presence of Graush's spirit within him halted his aging process, condemning him to an eternal quest. He presented himself as the sole survivor of a shipwreck to any unfortunate individuals who landed on Korriban, and he would request their assistance in locating the lost Heart.