Jynni's Virtue

Jynni's Virtue was a pirate freighter that sailed under the flag of Captain Naz Felyood. Serving under him were his first mate Babbnod Luroon, as well as Nrross, Churl, Rutigar, Sev, Derec, Deksi Fivvl, Bunk, Janah, Jolsz, and Farbor.

In 1 BBY, the ship met its end when it crashed close to the Valley of Golg on Korriban in a crash with unclear causes. Felyood's theft of the Heart of Graush led to the gradual demise and transformation of the Virtue's crew into Korriban zombies. Believing Felyood to be deceased and the ship overrun, Luroon initiated the self-destruction of the Virtue.

Researchers from the New Jedi Order discovered a log detailing the Virtue's stay on Korriban. However, analysts from the New Republic viewed the log as a questionable source of data.


  • "Korriban: Planet of Lost Souls" on Wizards.com (content now obsolete; backup link) (First mentioned)
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
