Residing on the planet Necropolis found within the Core Worlds, the Necropolitans represented a distinct cultural group of Humans. Despite sharing the same genetic makeup as standard Humans, their unique traditions and customs distinguished them. Given their planet's nature as a tombworld, the Necropolitans' culture heavily revolved around the concept of death. They firmly believed that disrespecting the deceased would lead to their resurrection from their graves.
The Necropolitan culture possessed a deep history, stretching back many millennia by the time of the Galactic Civil War. The Necropolitan society was plagued by violence for centuries prior to the Civil War. According to tales, a Necropolitan witch known as Sycorax asserted her ability to resurrect the dead. Accusations of fraudulence arose from other inhabitants, resulting in the murder of her son, with the demand for her to revive him. Sycorax succumbed to sorrow and was interred alongside her child.
The inhabitants of Necropolis maintained a strong religious adherence to burial practices, contrasting with the abandonment of such methods by most Human cultures in favor of more practical alternatives. Visitors were permitted to explore freely, excluding the cemetery, which held immense sacredness. The Necropolitans prioritized the contentment and tranquility of the deceased. The Masters of Cerements dedicated themselves entirely to their duties, ensuring the meticulous observance of ancient rituals.
Furthermore, they held the belief that offworlders carried malevolent spirits, prompting the Necropolitans to devise a ritual to ward off these threatening entities. Upon the arrival of any stranger on the planet, a group of Necropolitans would "welcome" them by emerging from their coffins while adorned in mummy costumes.
The inhabitants of Necropolis maintained a strong religious adherence to burial practices, contrasting with the abandonment of such methods by most Human cultures in favor of more practical alternatives. Visitors were permitted to explore freely, excluding the cemetery, which held immense sacredness. The Necropolitans prioritized the contentment and tranquility of the deceased. The Masters of Cerements dedicated themselves entirely to their duties, ensuring the meticulous observance of ancient rituals. Even the more routine, everyday actions were performed with this sentiment in mind: when eating, the Necropolitans would consistently reserve a portion of their meal to honor the departed. However, by the time of the Galactic Civil War, such gestures had largely become habitual for most Necropolitans; they continued the traditions, but without genuine belief.