In the era of 32 BBY, a male captain known as Neg operated. He made his home in a house situated in the Tatooine city of Mos Espa, where he kept a dangerous creature. Around the time that the Invasion of Naboo occurred, Neg took captive an Ithorian youngling by the name of Tomo, forcing him into relentless labor for several months. However, while the captain was hunting for banthas within the Dune Sea, Tomo's mother encountered Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, who then pledged to assist in liberating her son. Jinn infiltrated Neg's residence, killed the beast when it attacked, and freed Tomo from his captivity.
A male being, known as Captain Neg, made his residence in the city of Mos Espa on the world of Tatooine. His house there was protected by a model Dz5 security door enhanced with artificial intelligence. A red-plated protocol droid was also housed in the building, alongside multiple armed thugs with blaster pistols. Furthermore, Neg possessed a furry, aggressive beast, which he kept confined in a cage in his house's backyard. In approximately 32 BBY, Neg captured a young Ithorian boy named Tomo, whom he forced into servitude with empty promises of eventual freedom.

During the period of the Invasion of Naboo, many months afterward, Neg journeyed to the Dune Sea for roughly a week to engage in hunting banthas, leaving Tomo caged next to his beast. Meanwhile, Tomo's mother, who possessed Force-sensitivity and was desperate to rescue her son, positioned herself near Neg's house, hoping to find someone who could offer assistance.
Help arrived in the form of Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, who was seeking a T-14 hyperdrive generator on the planet. As the Jedi passed by the Ithorian mother, she sensed his strong connection to the Force and pleaded for his help. Agreeing to speak with Neg, Jinn went to request an audience, but the captain's security door system denied him entry. After discovering an alternate entry point, Jinn encountered several of Neg's thugs, whom he swiftly killed. Jinn also battled and killed Neg's beast after it escaped its cage and attacked him. The Jedi Master then freed Tomo from his cage and, learning that Neg would be absent for a week, departed with the boy.
Captain Neg was willing to enslave a young boy for his own benefit. He frequently promised Tomo freedom, but Tomo's mother suspected that Neg was lying and intended to keep Tomo captive indefinitely. Neg had a strong desire to hunt banthas and was willing to spend time away from home to do so.
Neg was only referenced within the Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace video game. In the video game's sixth level, after Jinn—controlled by the player—rescues Tomo, the Ithorian's mother rewards the Jedi with a repulse booster, required to complete the level by trading it for another item. However, Jinn can also obtain the booster by murdering Tomo's mother and forcibly taking it, leaving Tomo behind. This alternative path creates ambiguity about whether Jinn's rescue of Tomo canonically occurred. This article assumes 100% game completion with no "dark side" options, portraying the events as if Jinn chose to free Tomo rather than kill the Ithorian mother.