Neimoidian Inner Circle

The Neimoidian Inner Circle functioned as the ruling council for the Neimoidians residing on Neimoidia and throughout the Purse worlds in the final decades of the Galactic Republic. It is believed that the trade monarch may have presided over this council.


A strong connection existed between this group and the Trade Federation. Specifically, the Commanding Viceroy of the Trade Federation, provided they were Neimoidian, would also hold the position of leader within the Inner Circle. The trade monarch was purportedly the superior to the Inner Circle.

Nute Gunray is the sole individual known to have led the Inner Circle. However, assuming the Inner Circle continued to exist after the Clone Wars and the death of Nute Gunray by Darth Vader, it is probable that Acting Viceroy Sentepeth Findos assumed leadership.

