Captain Ness was an Ebruchi male who functioned as the leader of the Ebruchi Burning Gear flotilla. This flotilla was a component of the larger Ebruchi fleet, and he commanded it from his personal flagship, called the Burning Gear. He was under the command of the high captain of the Ebruchi Common Cork armada. If his killers remained within the Unknown Regions after his death, they would be considered wanted fugitives. This captain, being an Ebruchi, possessed vanity and found pleasure in challenges, valuable items, and alcoholic beverages.

Ness, an Ebruchi male, held the rank of captain and commanded the Ebruchi Burning Gear pirate flotilla, a pirate fleet within the larger Ebruchi fleet. He operated from his flagship, the Burning Gear. This captain was in service to the Ebruchi high captain Common Cork, who was in charge of an armada. Ness's reports could bring the force of the Flux Screw fleet on those who disobeyed his demands, and his assassination would mark his murderers as wanted criminals as long as they stayed in the Unknown Regions.
This captain was a vain and overweight Ebruchi who enjoyed luxury and was intrigued by other cultures and puzzles. Ness craved excitement, often asking adventurers to share captivating stories or challenge his intellect with riddles and games. However, if he became bored, he would use his shrapnel pistol to shoot them for causing his boredom. Gifts and alcohol could be used to lessen his anger. He could also be manipulated by promises of treasure, but if he discovered someone's deception, he would retaliate without mercy.
Ness made his debut in the 2010 sourcebook titled The Unknown Regions, which was created by Wizards of the Coast for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game.